Home Addition in Fremont

Custom home addition services through interior conversion, bump-out addition, storeroom conversion and second storey addition that help add new space.

We’re local experts in home addition services that perform space addition at homes by using innovative methods of expansion and addition. It can be either within the house or extending outwards through a bump-out addition, wherein the entire new structure rests on cantilevers. This is how a residence is able to add extra space for a growing family size that always wants more living area to lead a spacious, comfortable and luxurious lifestyle.

When Is A Home Addition Required?

It is required when a residence is facing acute shortage of space due to a growing family size. At Wilson Home Remodeling, we’re specialists in room addition services that help add extra square footage. In this way, we’re able to solve the problem of space scarcity at home. The additions that we perform are pre-planned and designed in a way to suit the needs of homeowners. A room addition is not so easy, as thought. First, we inspect the house, assess the available space and thereafter carry out a new construction that perfectly blends with the interiors & exteriors of your house. In this way, a home is able to solve the issue of space which had been plaguing it for long. We’re one such general contractor that best understands your needs and goes ahead designing a new living space that is to your exact requirements and layout specifications. As a homeowner, you can always call us at 510-995-0088 and get to know everything as to why a home addition is required.

What Comes First In A Home Addition?

Firstly, we look into your needs and assess the current space availability. An unused lying space is earmarked within the house for addition. It can be a storeroom, a garage, a ground floor or for that matter a basement. Based upon your priority, we first create a 3D model of the entire layout of your home. If it is a storeroom within, we find out how much space can be carved out of it. If we feel that it is insufficient, we either build upwards or sideways. One perfect example of home addition in Fremont, CA, is bump-out addition, storeroom conversion and second floor creation. After the design has been chalked-out by our engineers and architects, we go in for a specific home addition by using high-grade construction materials and fixtures that are able to last for generations. In this way, a home is made extra spacious and livable. For more information about our services, you can contact us and ask for free quotes regarding your space addition project at residence.

Home Addition in Fremont

Types of Home Addition Services

Second-storey addition Adding a new floor above the existing house
Bump-out addition Sideways extension for a bedroom or bath
Sunroom addition New room extending into in the lawn
Storeroom conversion Converting a storeroom into a new living area
Dormer addition Rear or front dormer addition

Why Hire Us?

As we’re one of the certified general home contractors, we’re experts in home addition services that help add extra square footage to a home. We’ve a team of qualified structural engineers, architects, interior designers and planners that help create a custom room addition, by converting an unused storeroom, an attic, a basement, a ground floor or by constructing a new bump-out addition or a sunroom. In the process of any new construction, we use only quality construction materials that last for years and generations. We also take into account the installation of appliances, utilities and fittings that make any new space fully functional to reside.

For years we’ve been designing and performing custom home addition services for homes that are lacking in space. With such space improvement techniques, you can now have an extra bedroom, a kitchen or a space for letting your family live a comfortable lifestyle. This is how we’re able to carve out that extra living space in a house, by redesigning an unused portion of a house interior or by making extensions through the side. It is our years of experience in custom home addition services that make us one of the preferred home remodeling companies that are able to convert a cramped and tiny space into a much more extensive area, where you can easily accommodate all the luxury fittings & furniture.


While local zoning laws will inevitably vary, you should always check to see if any restrictions pertain to your property. Depending on the goal of the project, a home addition or a room addition can add substantial space to your house.

Room additions can add more usable space to your home. Whether you add a sunroom, a new garage or an extra bedroom, home additions add square footage and usability to your house.

Yes, an interior conversion project is a part of a room addition, as it involves creating new living space within a house, by the way of converting and expanding.

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