General Remodeling in Fremont

A top-rated general contractor for carrying out complete renovation of the home interiors and exteriors in a customized manner, for improving the overall lifestyle.

We’re a highly proficient home improvement expert, specializing in all kinds of remodeling services that help a residence become spacious, fully functional, user-friendly and comfortable. In the process of renovation, we use high-quality materials that last for years and also look stylish. We remodel rooms, outdated spaces, layouts and also the backyard.

Why Remodel A Full House When It’s Old?

It is because if you do not remodel your old & aging house, it might become further weakened from its structure and framework. Therefore, after some years you need to go ahead with a full house remodel to restore the original strength and style. It can be the interiors, as well as the exterior of a house. And, as an expert in general remodeling in Fremont, CA, we help completely transform and change the layout, design, style and functionality of a living space that is in urgent need of redesign, renovation or upgrade. As families grow in size, there’s an increased demand for functional dwelling space, which can be fulfilled by carving out extra living space from within. Similarly, the outdoors too need to be properly maintained, with all the paving, masonry, gardening and siding work. After lying in neglect for years, the wall paint and cladding tends to come out, apart from the flooring materials that become loose and get uprooted. This is when a full house remodel works in a way to restore the status quo and bring back the lost glory. You can call us at 510-995-0088 and learn more about our service offerings in the area of general remodel.

Quality Materials, Fittings & Fixtures Matter

It can be a whole range of construction materials, utility installation and accessories that make all the difference in the quality of workmanship and style. In the process of any new construction, we use only premium-grade fittings and materials that last for years and generations. At Wilson Home Remodeling, we ensure that the materials that we use in any home project is of the highest quality, even though it might cost a bit on the upper end. Starting from tiles, wooden laminate, lighting, natural stone, ceramic, steel or hardwood, all are of the premium quality that brings about a qualitative difference in workmanship. This is the reason why we insist on installing only high-grade fixtures that are able to withstand the elements and last for years. Here, you can contact us asking for FREE quotes, and thereafter be prepared with the budget. If the materials used in any general remodel project is A-grade, it has to positively impact on the overall quality.

General Remodeling in Fremont

Types of General Remodel

Flooring  material Changing tiles & laminate floors
Interior conversion Carving out new space via conversion
Backyard services Renovating lawns, gardens & backyards
Paving services Installing pavers & stamped concrete
Masonry & paint job Brick & stone siding & masonry services

Why Hire Us?

It is only because of our years of project experience in all kinds of general improvement & remodeling services that we’re trusted by a vast majority of local homeowners. With a team of qualified & certified structural engineers, interior designers, project planners, architects and workers, we seamlessly execute a general home remodel project, without any time overrun or major cost escalation. Moreover, it is carried out to the exact design specification of our customers. Also, the installation of premium-quality building materials, stylish looking fixtures for kitchens & bathrooms and the incorporation of advanced 3D design & rendering technology for precisely measuring the entire floor & property layout, makes us the preferred general remodeling contractor in the city of Fremont, CA.

With vast project experience in custom renovation, space upgrade, functionality addition, style enhancement and layout-design change, we are the ‘first-choice’ choice home remodeling company. If you’re seriously considering any kind of interior & exterior space upgrade, simply call our experts and ask for competitive quotes for comparison. It is our professional style of project execution that makes us different from the rest. We first go for a full inspection of a property, assess the condition of the house, analyze the requirements of the customer, his/her design, layout-style and space preference, and thereafter go ahead with the remodeling project, as desired. It is without any kind of cost and time escalations, we go on to fully remodel an outdated property, as per the needs of a homeowner. Therefore, it is not at all difficult to understand, as to why locals prefer our fully customized space renovation services over others.


Yes, permits & approvals are required from the local municipality and the Building & Safety Department for making any structural changes in your bathroom, backyard or kitchen. Any change in the layout, plumbing, electrical, heating & cooling systems, does require a permit from the local authority.

Again, it depends upon the size and complexity of your home project. If it is an extensive act of redesign & renovation, it might take a couple of months or more. In that case, you need to shift elsewhere with your family. Else, if it is only one room or any other small space, it takes a much lesser time.

Yes, we do. We perform all kinds of home interior & exterior renovation that adds space, user-friendliness, style & functionality to a living area that has grown old and become worn-out.

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